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Staff members who perform management tasks on central ICT systems and need direct access to servers or ICT-infrastructure use an administrator account.

An administrator account: What is it?

  • An administrator account is a personal account that provides access to the servers or infrastructure of central ICT systems.
  • Management roles are linked to an administrator account, determining which systems the ID can access.
  • Two-step verification is required to log in with an administrator account, also known as a token. This can be an app on your mobile phone or a YubiKey (USB stick).

Who needs an administrator account?

Staff members who perform management tasks on central ICT systems.

Applying for an administrator account

An administrator account can be requested via the ICTS self-service. Parts of the application procedure include:

  • Accepting the terms of use
  • Verifying your identity
  • Determining and authorising management roles
  • Receiving the token (app or YubiKey) which you then need to set up

Activating the administrator account and setting up the token

In the administrator account’s self-service panel, you can:

  • Activate your administrator account
  • Change your password
  • Set up the token

You can find more information in the guide for setting up and using the administrator account (Beheer-ID) and token (in Dutch).

Secure login via administrator VPN client

An administrator VPN client will allow you to log into the university-wide ICT systems through a secure connection from any location. More information can be found in the guide for creating and using an administrator VPN client.

An administrator VPN client only grants an administrator secure access to ICT systems at the network level. The ability to actually log in to a particular ICT system and obtain administrator rights is subject to separate agreements with the system owner and/or administrators responsible for the system.

Terms of Use

The use of an administrator account is subject to terms of use. One of the general terms of use is that the user must have a valid UvAnetID. Read the other terms of use for the administrator account (Beheer ID) (in Dutch).