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(Future) retired employees of the UvA can request a UvAnetID and email for retired employees themselves. This allows you to (continue to) use the Digital Library, Wi-Fi, and a new UvA email address.
Request UvAnetID and email for retired employees

Even if your employment is terminated due to disability, you can still apply for a UvAnetID and email for retired employees.

Once your application is processed, you will be notified. You will also receive an activation email, after which you can activate the new UvAnetID.

What can you do with a UvAnetID for retired employees?

The UvAnetID for retired employees gives you access to:

Important information about your current UvAnetID and UvA email address

  • You can use your current UvAnetID for 90 days after your employment ends.
  • After this period, your UvAnetID will be automatically blocked. You will then no longer have access to UvA facilities such as OneDrive, MS Teams, and your current email account.
  • You have 90 days to secure or transfer your emails and files to colleagues.