You will receive your UvAnetID via an activation email sent to your provided private email address.
You can activate your UvAnetID on your laptop or computer as follows:
Haven't received an activation email with your UvAnetID?
Still can't find it? Contact your supervisor.
Unable to activate your UvAnetID or receiving an error message? Try to activate your UvAnetID in a different browser (Chrome or Firefox) or on another computer.
Still not working? Contact Servicedesk ICT Services.
Your UvAnetID gives you access to a wide range of UvA facilities:
*Only for permanent UvA employees.
As an employee of the common services (AC, FS, ICTS, and the Library), you may sometimes need a dual ID account (both UvA and HvA). Contact your supervisor if you need an HvA-ID.