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Are you dealing with undesirable behaviour? Do you have questions about your working or legal position or do you suspect fraud or plagiarism? Then you can turn to a confidential adviser. This person listens, advises and can refer you to professional counsellors.

Who are the confidential advisers?

The confidential advisers are UvA employees who have been specially trained for this purpose. At least one confidant has been appointed at each faculty or department. You can choose who you approach, it may be a confidential adviser from your own faculty or department but that is not mandatory.   

Who can contact the confidential advisers?

Anyone who works at the UvA can contact the confidential advisers, even if you are not an employee of the UvA. There are also confidential advisers for students.  

What does a confidential adviser do?

  • The confidential adviser takes the time to listen to your story.  
  • The confidential adviser helps you look for a solution that best suits your situation.  
  • Everything you discuss with the confidential adviser is confidential.   
  • The confidential adviser only takes action if you agree.  
  • If necessary, the confidential adviser will refer you to professional counsellors.  
  • The confidential adviser can also help you file a complaint with the Complaints Committee.   
What types of confidential advisers are there?
  • Confidential advisers for undesirable behaviour

    What can you contact this confidential adviser about?

    You can contact this confidential adviser if you are faced with sexual harassment, (verbal) aggression, violence, bullying or discrimination.    

    What happens if you report undesirable behaviour to this confidential adviser?  

    Step 1: the first appointment, room for your story  

    The confidential adviser invites you for an interview. You can do this by telephone, online or at a safe location at the UvA. The confidential adviser will tell you that the conversation is confidential and that it will only take place if you want it to. During this conversation, the confidential adviser will ask you if you want to talk about what has happened. You are given every opportunity to do so. If you want, you can then make a follow-up appointment.  

    Step 2: the follow-up appointment, discussing possible solutions  

    Together with you, the confidential adviser looks at possible solutions to your problem. The confidential adviser outlines a number of options and tells you what the advantages and disadvantages are. You remain in control. It is very important that you support the chosen solution. Do you need more time to think about it? That's no problem, you set the pace.  

    Step 3: you choose a solution  

    Together with the confidential adviser, you will discuss the next step and make a choice. Consider, for example, the following: 

    • Engage in conversation with the person who exhibited transgressive behaviour (together with the confidential adviser if necessary) 
    • Talk to a supervisor about the situation; 
    • Write down what happened to you and sending your story (directly or via the confidential adviser) to a manager  
    • Notify the ombudsperson 
    • File a complaint with the Complaints Committee 
    • Do nothing. 

    The confidential adviser will also ask if you need any further help and may refer you to specialised care 

    Step 4: evaluation and possible follow-up  

    The confidential adviser will discuss with you whether your problem has been adequately resolved. Follow-up steps may still be needed, for which you can also contact the confidential adviser. 


    See the overview of confidential advisers for staff members

  • Confidential adviser for academic integrity

    What can you contact this confidential adviser about?

    Do you feel that academic integrity is at risk? For example due to fraud or plagiarism? The confidential adviser for academic integrity is your point of contact. This confidential adviser knows how to deal with complex situations of this nature.  

    What does a confidential adviser for academic integrity do?

    The confidential adviser will listen to your question or complaint, possibly help you understand what happened, and help you find an appropriate solution. If necessary, this confidential adviser can also help you file a complaint with the Academic Integrity Committee.

    More information and contact

    Academic Integrity Committee

  • Confidential adviser for individual legal status (VIR)

Still in doubt?

The information on this page is intended to give you a better understanding of the work of confidential advisers. Are you unsure whether to consult a confidential adviser? That is understandable, but don't continue lingering around with an unpleasant situation at work for too long. Even if you have doubts, the confidential adviser is there for you. So, when in doubt: do it!